Saturday, September 15, 2012


Okay, the general rule of thumb: if a local theater plays a film by legendary Japanese film master Akira Kurosawa, you go.  No overthinking it, no waffling necessary: JUST GO!  Beginning this afternoon, the Hollywood Theatre is offering up an excellent opportunity to practice your adherence to that basic movie going principle.  Once again proving their brilliance at repertory programming, they've wrangled a 35mm print of Seven Samurai.

Yes, Seven Samurai is almost 3 1/2 hours long and it's in Japanese; sure, you could spend that time downing quite a few Hamms while playing Tiddlywinks (or whatever you kids get up to nowadays).  Here's the skinny, though: your life will have far more meaning if you forgo the routine and dive into the deep end with A.K. and Mifune (ToshirĂ´, if you're nasty).  This is some serious top shelf cinema here.  So put down the remote, get off yer duff, and get thee to the Hollywood for what may be the greatest film ever made.  Seriously, this film's got mileage...can I get an amen?

Seven Samurai begins a three day engagement at the Hollywood Theatre beginning on Saturday, September 15th.  More info available here.

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