Monday, May 21, 2012


I've been really excited about the emergence of EFF Portland ever since the first murmurings about it began popping up in my Facebook feed.  There's been a hollow space in the Portland's film festival circuit ever since the PDX Film Festival quietly exited the scene.  So, the idea of a new experimental fest coming to the rescue was more than welcome.  And from the films that I've seen thus far, the first edition of EFF Portland is a well-curated, diverse, and exciting mix of classically and bleeding edge experimental films, pushing the boundaries of the cinematic experience.

I'll be writing a bit more later in the week about a special event or two at EFF Portland but, for now, here are a few recommended films to catch:

New Hippie Future (dir. Dalibor Barić), screening as part of the "Mycology" presentation on Thurs., May 24th at 9pm:
A kaleidoscopic experience of constantly shifting images and textures, set to a driving Krautrockesque soundtrack.  A beautiful piece; you'll want to see it again as soon as it's over.

Chris Freeman presents: A Scene from Star Trek: The Next Generation, Episode 3X09, "The Vengeance Factor" (dir. Chris Freeman), screening as part of the "Near Side" presentation on Fri., May 25th at 8:45pm:
Freeman moves the context of a piece of pop culture into an entirely different place.  Humor and insight coexist here; it questions as much as it amuses.

 Jazzy Birds (dir. Jeremy Rourke), screening as part of the "Eruption" presentation on Wed., May 23rd at 7pm:
A sweet blending of stop-motion involving cutouts, illustrations, superimposed imagery, etc., all set to a lovely little song that shares the title of the film.

Wrestling With My Father (dir. Charles Fairbanks), screening as a part of the "Upper Crust, part two" presentation on Sat., May 26th at 8pm:
Fairbanks' camera observes his father at a wrestling match.  It's such a flimsy idea that it shouldn't really work but, somehow, a hypnotic effect is forged.

Dark Enough (dir. Jeanne Liotta), screening as a part of the "Magma Flow" presentation on Sat., May 26th at 1pm:
I've been a big fan of Liotta's work, ever since screening her Observando El Cielo in a film class a few years back.  This piece is based in an experiment with text and image, working in collaboration with the poet Lisa Gill.

EFF Portland runs through Sunday, May 27th.  More info on showcases, tickets, venues and special events available here.

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