Wednesday, April 11, 2012


What once was lost is now found: this coming Thursday night, the NW Film Center hosts the 2010 restored edition of Fritz Lang's epic sci-fi classic Metropolis.  Yes, this is the version containing the missing sequences discovered at the Museo del Cine in Buenos Aires.  What's more, the Film Center's program will feature a live accompaniment by the world famous (at least to rabid silent film buffs) music collective the Alloy Orchestra, who have modified their 1991 score for Lang's futurist tale to accommodate its newly extended running time.

At nearly 2 1/2 hours, this version of Metropolis comes about as close to the original 1927 release as we're likely to see in our lifetime.  For those interested in the various versions and restoration efforts over the years, there's a concise timeline available here.

While the silent film event of the year was undoubtably last month's limited run of Abel Gance's Napoleon in Oakland, Thursday's event is likely to be the best that Portland has on offer in 2012.  Tickets will likely be sold out before Thursday night; they can be purchased here.

Metropolis with live musical score by the Alloy Orchestra plays one night only at the NW Film Center's Whitsell Auditorium (in the Portland Art Museum) on Thurs., April 12th at 7pm.

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